Tag: Worship

  • At the Name of Jesus

    At the Name of Jesus

    At the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow,Every tongue confess Him King of Glory now;’tis the Father’s pleasure we should call Him Lord,Who from the beginning was the mighty Word. At His voice creation sprang at once to sight,All the angel faces, all the hosts of light,Thrones and dominations, stars upon their way,All the…

  • Your Name, O God, is Precious

    Your Name, O God, is Precious

    Your Name, O God, is preciousyour Word, most pure and true;and who can tell your mercy,except a heart made new?For you, most Blessed Spirit, have shown to us your grace,that in your holy presenceour lips should chant your praise.With you, our lives are hidden, andunder your sweet gaze;and we shall know your favor,throughout all of…

  • Come, My Soul, and Bless the LORD

    Come, My Soul, and Bless the LORD

    Come my soul and bless the LORD, all within me bless his name!Come my soul, and bless the LORD; and forget not all his grace:all your sins the LORD forgives, all your sicknesses he heals.He redeems you from the pit; his compassion he reveals. He will crown you with his love, with his tender mercies…

  • How Marvelous, How Wise, How Great

    How marvelous, how wise, how great, how infinite to contemplate: Jehovah’s saving plan! He saw me in my lost estate, yet purposed to regenerate this faithless, fallen man. Foreknown before the world began, according to his gracious plan, God destined I must be conformed to Jesus Christ, the man, who lived and loved as no…

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