Category: Uncategorized

  • In the Accent of Deepest Conviction (Warfield)

    The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. ~ 1 Timothy 1:15 Perhaps even yet we hardly know, as we should know, our need of a Saviour. Perhaps we may acknowledge ourselves to be sinners only in a…

  • “Receive & Rest” | 300 Years of Grateful Resolve Resting in Christ

    On New Years at our Church, we considered “seeking first the kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33) as being the ultimate resolution. For Christians, making resolutions at the beginning of the year, like everyone else, is not necessarily a bad thing…as long as these goals do not distract our fixed gaze away from Christ, plumitting our…

  • The Seal of True Piety

    Our Lord Jesus said, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35) This call to offer love he extended even to our enemies. More broadly, he held forth the promise of reward for loving those who do not love in return. This obedience…

  • Invoking the Saints? The Gift of the Trinity in Prayer

    The communion of saints is a wonderful truth we confess. Here on earth, the church militant races her pilgrim path up to Zion following after her exalted Head while the church triumphant is there with the King of Glory. When we lift our voices as a local corporate body of believers, our voices join those…

  • At the Name of Jesus

    At the Name of Jesus

    At the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow,Every tongue confess Him King of Glory now;’tis the Father’s pleasure we should call Him Lord,Who from the beginning was the mighty Word. At His voice creation sprang at once to sight,All the angel faces, all the hosts of light,Thrones and dominations, stars upon their way,All the…

  • Miracles and the Bible

    Miracles and the Bible

    What do we make of the miraculous claims in the Bible? The creation of the universe from nothing, the global flood and enormous ark preserving only a single human family and a pair of every kind of animal, the floating pot which passes through the corridor of the animal pieces on Abraham’s behalf, the barren…

  • Your Name, O God, is Precious

    Your Name, O God, is Precious

    Your Name, O God, is preciousyour Word, most pure and true;and who can tell your mercy,except a heart made new?For you, most Blessed Spirit, have shown to us your grace,that in your holy presenceour lips should chant your praise.With you, our lives are hidden, andunder your sweet gaze;and we shall know your favor,throughout all of…

  • From Rags to Riches in Union with Christ

    This is a tantalized world always grabbing for the next “new” fading joy in an endless streak of instant gratification. Solomon gazed from his throne at his vast wealth — every possible human desire before his eyes — riches, fame, women. And he sighed. Consider how the king must have remembered the harp of his…

  • 12 Affirmations on Progressive Sanctification by JC Ryle

    12 Affirmations on Progressive Sanctification by JC Ryle

    Sanctification is: I. The invariable result of that vital union with Christ which true faith gives to a Christian The faith which has not a sanctifying influence on the character is no better than the faith of devils. II. The outcome and inseparable consequence of regeneration Where there is no holy life, there has been…

  • Ryle on Sanctification

    Ryle on Sanctification

    It is a subject which is peculiarly seasonable in the present day. Strange doctrines have risen up of late upon the whole subject of sanctification. Some appear to confound it with justification. Others fritter it away to nothing, under the presence of zeal for free grace, and practically neglect it altogether. Others are so much…

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