Category: Uncategorized

  • Meditation Pleasing to God

    The task of initiating and maintaining focus is and always has been difficult, but in our world saturated with digital media, it is one which is receiving quite a bit of air time. It is a subject of great concern among many authors in the business world today. We are finding it more and more…

  • The Harmony of Law and Gospel

    The Harmony of Law and Gospel

    The relationship between the law (what God requires of us) and the gospel (what God freely bestows on us) is a very practical question for our Christian lives! Given the mercy and love of Christ, what are we to make of his promised judgment, holy commands, and severe warnings? There are two errors to avoid…

  • A Heart Glowing with the Love of Souls

    A Heart Glowing with the Love of Souls

    Let a minister of Christ ascend the sacred desk, with a heart glowing with the love of souls, and what an amiable, engaging figure does he make? Love gives a smooth, though sharp edge to his address. Love animates his persuasions and exhortations. Love breathes through his invitations and renders them irresistible. Love brightens the…

  • John Owen: Experiential Religion

    John Owen: Experiential Religion

    That view of the glory of Christ whereof we treat consists in two things, — namely, its especial nature, and its necessary adjunct or effect. The first is, a spiritual perception or understanding of it as revealed in the Scriptures. For the revelation of the glory of his person, office, and grace, is the principal…

  • JC Ryle: The Rarity of Original Thought

    JC Ryle: The Rarity of Original Thought

    The fear of man brings a snare. ~ Proverbs 29:25 It is terrible to observe the power which it [other people’s opinions] has over most minds, and especially over the minds of the young. Few seem to have any opinions of their own or to think for themselves. Like dead fish, they go with the…

  • Ash Wednesday but without Ashes and not Wednesday

    Ash Wednesday is a time in the Church Calendar when many Christians go to a special service. This service kicks off the season of lent, which anticipates the sorrow of Good Friday and the triumph of the Resurrection. It is an exciting time in the life of the Church! Lots of special events are happening.…

  • The Leading of the Spirit

    The Leading of the Spirit

    For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God. ~ Romans 8:14 This is not a drawing or dragging of a passive weight toward a goal which is attained, if attained at all, only by virtue of the power residing in the moving Spirit; but a leading…

  • Waiting to See Him as He is

    Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” ~ John 20:29 Arising from a non-reformed background and being suddenly immersed into that realm, there are a motley crew of wrestling opponents to inevitably engage. As we are initiated, we experience…

  • A Morning Prayer: Over Every Vexing Problem of Life

    The following prayer is given without attribution as it is a collaboration of more than one author: Great God of all light, wisdom, glory, and power, we come to you this morning believing that you are good, and forgiving, and abounding in steadfast love to everyone who calls on you. You are a God gracious…

  • The Knocker of the Gate of Mercy

    The Knocker of the Gate of Mercy

    Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our infirmities. ~ Romans 8:26 Except for Christ’s bearing our infirmities and “our sins in his own body on the tree” (1 Peter 2:24), I know of no greater or more tender instance of divine love than when it is written, “Likewise, the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities.” (Romans…

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