How marvelous, how wise, how great,
how infinite to contemplate:
Jehovah’s saving plan!
He saw me in my lost estate,
yet purposed to regenerate
this faithless, fallen man.
Foreknown before the world began,
according to his gracious plan,
God destined I must be
conformed to Jesus Christ, the man,
who lived and loved as no man can:
a glorious decree!
He bore my sin on Calvary’s tree
and righteousness bestowed on me,
that I might see his face.
God justified me, set me free,
and glorified I soon will be:
how marvelous this grace?
What have I now but to embrace
the God who saved me from disgrace
and love him evermore?
And with contentment run my race,
my eyes fixed ever on his face
to praise him and adore.